Tuesday 18 February 2014

Which mobile suit from Gundam X deserves to receive the MG treatment? Gundam.info finds out

After more than a decade of waiting, fans finally got what they what they have been asking for when Bandai finally released the Master Grade edition of After War Gundam X’s titular mobile suit as the After War timeline was the only series not to have any of its mobile suits the royal MG treatment.

11590103225 30eb68cf0e o 322x500 Which mobile suit from Gundam X deserves to receive the MG treatment? Gundam.info finds out

To celebrate the release of 1/100 MG Gundam X, the official Gundam wesite, gundam.info has recently asked the question, which mobile suit from the After War timeline deserves the MG treatment the most, excluding the GX (Gundam X).With 2,892 votes, here are the results:

5: Gundam Leopard (12.05%)

leopard100 330x500 Which mobile suit from Gundam X deserves to receive the MG treatment? Gundam.info finds out

4) Gundam Air Master (12.33%)

airmaster100 333x500 Which mobile suit from Gundam X deserves to receive the MG treatment? Gundam.info finds out

3) Gundam Ashtaron (12.89%)

Nrx 0015 ascissorsmode Which mobile suit from Gundam X deserves to receive the MG treatment? Gundam.info finds out

2) G-Bits (16.68%)

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1) Gundam Virsago (46.06%)

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The main antagonist mobile suit piloted by Shagia Frost takes the #1 spot. many opponents have met their demise at the hands of this ruthless mobile suit which employs the deadly Strike Claw folding arm as well as its very intimidating stature.

Taking the #2 spot are the G-Bits which are more like an accessory for the Gundam X. It is used to protect the GX as it prepares to fire its extremely powerful Satellite Canon or to fire their Satellite Canons in tandem with the GX.

Missing in the poll are a few mobile suits which include the Gundam Double X, an upgrade of the GX with TWO satellite canons as well as the upgrades for the Gundams listed above, the Gundam Leopard Destroy, the Gundam Air Master Burst, The Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab and the Gundam Versago Chest Burst.

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Source: Gundam.info

Which mobile suit from Gundam X deserves to receive the MG treatment? Gundam.info finds out

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