Saturday 18 July 2015

Summer Anime 2015 Top 20: Sony announces the Initial Tornado Rankings for Summer

It’s finally summer, and as the new anime for the new summer 2015 anime season have already started with their premieres, Sony has unveiled their initial Tornado Rankings for this new season.

The Tornado Rankings are on based which anime series were recorded using the Sony Torne app or device for PC, PS Vita, PS3 and PS4. Sony records which shows were recorded the most using their device, which is also a good way to gauge which anime are doing well when new seasons begin. But do take note that recording anime through Torne is just one of the methods in watching anime in Japan, as others include watching it online via Niconico, recording it with a normal VCR, or just watching it on TV when it actually airs. Here are their Top 20:

20) Chaos Dragon

19) Snow White with the Red Hair

18) Overlord

17) Sky Wizards Academy

16) Classroom ☆ Crisis

15) Prison School

14) Non Non Biyori Repeat

13) Monster Musume

12) Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa

11) Aoharu x Kikanjuu

10) Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers


9) Gangasta.


8) Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist.


7) Castle Town Dandelion


6) Working!!!


5) Charlotte


4) Dragon Ball Super


3) Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace




1) Ushio and Tora


They say old classics never die, and from the results of Sony’s findings, people still love Ushio and Tora even if the original manga ended almost 20 years ago. The classic, which just only gets its TV anime adaptation after more than 20 years, is this season’s most recorded anime so far, and it sure as hell ain’t that surprising given all the hype it has gotten

Coming in at second is Gate and at third is Ranpo Kittan, and both anime have shown a lot of promise to get people interested enough to record them using the Torne device. Dragon Ball Super meanwhile manages to get pretty high in the list at #4.

There are also several upsets such as Chaos Dragon, Monster Musume, and Non Non Biyori, which are also very popular. But then again, some people might rather watch these series as they air on TV rather than recording them with Torne.

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Source: Mantan

Summer Anime 2015 Top 20: Sony announces the Initial Tornado Rankings for Summer

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