Monday 9 May 2016

Life-size Osomatsu statue seen during Mr. Osomatsu event

The Matsuno sextulets from Mr. Osomatsu are quite popular among the female fans, and during the Fes Osomatsu-san event in Chiba, Japan, a special figure of the eldest brother, Osomatsu (who is trying to pass off as Ichimatsu) was sold, and it offered a unique chance to have your picture taken with a life-size version of that very figure.


While the life-size statue itself is not for sale, and only made for display during events, fans can get their picture taken with it, as long as they buy its smaller figure version, which is made by D-Trade, who will also release additional figures of all six sextuplet brothers in October.


The event figure for Osomatsu costs 12,000 yen, and the upcoming statues for the Matsuno Sextuplets will cost 10,000 yen each.

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Source: Netlab

Life-size Osomatsu statue seen during Mr. Osomatsu event

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