Wednesday 30 November 2016

J.K. Rowling gets blown away by Japanese fan"s anime-style Harry Potter fanart

When senpai notices you, sometimes, you can’t help but jump for joy, but what if you’re a Harry Potter fan, and it’s J.K. Rowling herself who not only notices you, but also gives you some praise? Because that’s exactly what one Japanese fan experienced as the Harry Potter author herself saw his anime-style artwork on twitter and showered him with praise!


The artwork was posted via twitter by its artist, @kirikawa_juu, and it is titled  “Hero, change”. It features outgoing HP world hero, Harry Potter and new HP world hero, Newt Scamander, the hero of Fantastic Beasts. The artwork received a lot of praise from fans, but none of those praises compared to the one from Rowling herself!

Hey @kirikawa_juu, senpai just noticed you, how are you going to respond?


And then the artist had a back-and-forth with one of modern literature’s biggest names

And ever mindful of the owner of the artwork, Rowling posted the picture herself!


As for the artist, @kirikawa_juu said that he is never going to forget the moment J.K. Rowling praised his art! Yes! Senpai Noticed you!

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Sauce: Rocket News 24

J.K. Rowling gets blown away by Japanese fan"s anime-style Harry Potter fanart

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